Case Study

Shashank Mishra: The Mind Behind ‘Grow Data Skills’

grow data skills shashank mishra

User- Friendly App, with 95% Course Completion Rate

Combined Total of 324K+ Followers

Data Science and Analysis Expert!

Grow Data Skills is a captivating YouTube channel led by Shashank Mishra, a visionary creator on a mission to empower individuals with essential data science and analytics knowledge and skills. The channel goes beyond data; it’s about unlocking opportunities, fostering a community of learners, and making complex concepts accessible. Shashank Mishra’s journey blends technical proficiency with a knack for teaching, furthermore creating a pathway for novices and experienced professionals to explore the world of data. 

Let’s delve into this case study on how Shashank Mishra expanded his horizons, with the help of Rigi, to create an app that enables enhanced community engagement and offerings. 

Witness the Growth of Shashank Mishra:

Shashank is not confined by boundaries. He’s a creator, educator, and entrepreneur who thrives on pushing the limits of what’s possible. His unique blend of technical proficiency and teaching acumen makes him a beacon of change in the world of data education.

Grow Data Skills goes beyond traditional data education. It’s a platform where data is transformed from a mysterious code into a language anyone can understand. Shashank’s commitment to simplifying the intricate world of data science is evident in the content. He breaks down complex topics, creating a pathway for beginners and experienced professionals to explore the data universe.

Diverse Voices, Shared Passion: Empowering Data Enthusiasts

Grow Data Skills isn’t just a channel; it’s a thriving community of like-minded individuals united by curiosity and passion for data. The community includes data science enthusiasts, aspiring data analysts, analytics professionals, technical learners from diverse backgrounds, continuous learners, data visualization aficionados, career developers, problem solvers, collaborators, networkers, and ethical data advocates. It’s a space of not only learning but also collaboration and empowerment.

With increasing community reach, Shashank recognized the need for a comprehensive data education platform, and this is where Rigi came into play.

  • Launch of his app, Grow Data Skills: Shashank has successfully launched his own white-labeled app, hosting exclusive content for his community with the help of Rigi. This undoubtedly led to structured and compelling learning experiences.
  • Interactive Community Building: Using his app as a medium, he has succeeded in increasing engagement with his community. This has been evidently made easy with features like in-app community forums, live Q&A sessions, and interactive discussions alongside providing real-time support.
  • Monetization Opportunities: Subsequently, these courses opened a new way for Shashank to monetize his content while also providing his trusted community with exclusive and valuable resources and generating revenue.
  • Enhanced Trust and Engagement: The ‘Super Thanks’ feature has helped Shashank’s trusted community to appreciate and value the content and resources provided, thus helping to boost the channel’s overall community engagement and trust.

Growth x Rigi x Data

Shashank’s impact isn’t limited to educational content. The Grow Data Skills community has witnessed exponential growth with over 160K subscribers on YouTube, 145K followers on LinkedIn, 5.9K on Instagram, 5.58K on Telegram, and 8K on Discord and ever-growing!

These numbers represent not just statistics but the people, connections, and bonds formed around a shared passion for data. It’s about nurturing a space where learning, collaboration, and empowerment flourish.

  • Educational Empowerment: Shashank Mishra’s Grow Data Skills has become a beacon of educational empowerment. Furthermore, the platform offers comprehensive courses with modules, assignments, and quizzes, transforming individuals into proficient data practitioners.
  • High Completion Rate: One of the standout achievements of Grow Data Skills is its remarkable course completion rate, consistently exceeding 95%. This consequently underscores the platform’s effectiveness in delivering quality data education.
  • Rapid User Adoption: Within just one month of launching the comprehensive course, Grow Data Skills witnessed an astounding adoption rate, with over 1000 users joining the platform. The swift growth indeed highlights the strong demand for accessible data education.
  • Community Building: The platform’s commitment to the community is evident, with around 400 community installs. This demonstrates the nurturing of a vibrant community of data enthusiasts eager to learn and collaborate.


Grow Data Skills and Shashank’s partnership with Rigi have been transformational in the world of data education. Together, they have not only empowered individuals with data skills but also fostered a vibrant community of learners and enthusiasts. The collaboration has undoubtedly led to significant growth, engagement, and reach, making Grow Data Skills a beacon of change and a trusted resource for mastering data science and analytics complexities. In this data-driven world, Grow Data Skills, with the help of Rigi, shines as the champion of empowerment and knowledge-sharing.


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