Private Groups and Channels

Exclusive content to grow your audience and boost your finance

Download Rigi Now

What can you do with this tool?

Ease The Manual Load

The automated addition and removal of members to the group eliminates the manual work you would otherwise have to do

Grow your community

To further grow your community, we also send across reminders and retarget members of your paid group to continue growing every day

Payment plans

Customize your payment plans as per your needs to attract your community members

Track and analyze

As for the payment, it’s absolutely hassle-free! Also track and analyze your earnings with the dashboard feature

How to get started?

Create a Rigi Account

Install the app from playstore/apple store and register with your mobile number

It’s all in the details

Add details like your channel name, description and a profile picture

Make a Subscription Plan

Customize a plan that suits your community best

Why this tool?

Completely FREE to launch
Easy User Onboarding
Seamless Payment Options
End to End Automation
Effortless Earnings

Ready to become a brand and earn more?

We want to help you monetize your content, with our solutions.

Download Rigi Now